Sprout Blog

3 Digital Healthcare Trends in 2022

Written by Sprout | Jan 27, 2022 1:53:43 AM

The pandemic has brought to our collective attention the urgency for quality, scalable and accessible healthcare solutions.  As we enter a new year, healthcare providers will need to embrace new technologies to expand their current operations and meet the ever-increasing demands for their services. 

So, what are these new technologies, and how do they affect healthcare providers? Here are  three digital health trends that you can expect to see grow in 2022. 

Virtual Health Appointments

As technology becomes an increasingly integral part of modern-day life each year, there has been a growing shift towards virtual healthcare.  In the United States this has been in part facilitated by emergency and permanent changes in reimbursement codes during the pandemic, but it has also been driven by patient and clinician willingness and ability to connect online. 

Virtual appointments increase healthcare access, particularly for those living in underserved communities or living with mobility barriers.  Eliminating travel time or the need to visit a doctor’s office when you are sick and possibly infectious.  Virtual appointments will continue to play a vital role in healthcare delivery, especially with the growth of new data collection opportunities.

API (Application Programming Interface)

Patient and clinician readiness for virtual health platforms means now is the time for healthcare providers to begin ingesting new sources of data to layer onto existing medical data.  For example, the addition of health, lifestyle and behavioral data pulled through API (Application Programming Interface) integrations hold the potential for a 360° patient view. 

New data sources can improve the ability to both understand population health and trends but also develop targeted patient solutions to create improved patient experiences for better condition outcomes.

To truly revolutionize the industry, the future of healthcare must include access to real-time data solutions, including wearable tech, in order to deliver personalized care. Real-time data can help to better understand a patient and provide more holistic and proactive healthcare solutions.  

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play an increasingly important role in healthcare, from AI driven robotic surgeries to ML powered recommendation engines that provide patients with personalized goals and content offerings.  

The lifeblood of both AI and ML is data, and it needs to be good quality data.  The better the inputs the better the outputs. Organizations that embrace Interoperability, the ability to access, integrate and utilize new data sources, are positioned to be industry leaders.

How can healthcare embark on this new model of patient care, one predicated on digital transformation, interoperability and machine learning?  By growing their ecosystems and leveraging strategic partnerships in order to gain access to reliable, cost-effective and scalable technologies.  

Partnerships remove the need to build, configure and maintain complex hardware and software applications, drastically reducing the cost and time to market.  Healthcare organizations will also benefit from partner-driven technological enhancements to stay current with patient demands in virtual and in-person care

The Sprout Open Health API™ powers global businesses with RESTful access to our proprietary Sprout Health Engine™.  Driven by data science and backed by 25 years of academic research, the Sprout Open Health API empowers your organization with advanced health-based features designed to educate, engage, and inspire positive patient outcomes.

Book your discovery call to learn about how our integrated features can create better patient experiences and lead to better condition outcomes.